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Photo Gallery (Argentine species)

Although I'm not a photographer I like carrying a "bridge" camera when I guide and, if I got time (because my priority is to show the birds to the people I guide), I try taking pictures to remember the birds and the great moments that we share while birding. I also like digiscoping with my phone through the spotting scope when possible. 

Here are some pictures taken by me in some of my guiding trips within Argentina:

Harpy Eagle digiscoped in north west Argentina

 Upland Sandpiper in southern Entre Ríos

 Diademed Tanager in Costanera Sur reserve (Buenos Aires)

Masked Ducks in Costanera Sur reserve (Buenos Aires)

 Stripe-backed Bittern "digiscoped" in Costanera Sur reserve (Buenos Aires)

Black-headed Ducks in Costanera Sur reserve (Buenos Aires)

 South American Painted Snipe in southern Entre Ríos

 Saffron-cowled Blackbird in southern Entre Ríos

 Ibera Seedeater (recently described species) in Ibera marshes

 Sickle-winged Nightjar in Estancia Virocay (Corrientes)

 Yellow Cardinal near Ibera marshes

 Yellow-breasted Crake in Bañado la Estrella (Formosa)

Stygian Owl in Misiones province

 Black-fronted Piping-Guan in Misiones province

 Black-billed Scythebill in Misiones province

 Long-trained Nightjar in Misiones province

Spot-billed Toucanet in Misiones province

 Olive-crowned Crescentchest in Córdoba

 King Vulture in north west Argentina

Rufous-bellied Mountain Tanagers in north west Argentina

 Black-banded Owl in north west Argentina

 Rufous-throated Dippers in north west Argentina

 Orange-breasted Falcon in north west Argentina

 Carbonated Sierra-Finch (Argentine endemic) in north east Patagonia

Tawny-throated Dotterel in north east Patagonia

 Chubut Steamer-Duck (Argentine endemic) in north east Patagonia

 Hudson's Black-Tyrant in north east Patagonia

 Sandy Gallito (Argentine endemic) in north east Patagonia

 Red-backed Sierra-Finch in north west Argentina

 Diademed Sandpiper-Plover in the heights of north west Argentina

Short-tailed Finch in the puna of Salta

Zimmer's Tapaculo in the province of Salta

Tucuman Mountain-Finch in north west Argentina

Bolivian Warbling-Finch in Santa Victoria Oeste (NW Argentina)

Mottled Piculet in North East Corrientes province (NE Argentina)

Long-tailed Potoo in Misiones province

Hooded Grebe in south Patagonia

Austral Canastero in south Patagonia

White-bellied Seedsnipe in south Patagonia

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